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18 June 2018

A Week in the Life of a Woman with Chronic Migraine

This is a snapshot of what a week with an intractable migraine looks like. Summer is the worst season for me when it comes to managing chronic migraine. I am in pain practically every day. This video was taken last August. Here's the breakdown of each day:

Monday - Level nine #migraine after 7 days; vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, weakness; trip to Urgent Care. 

Monday Night - vomiting from dilaudid; eventual sleep. 

Tuesday - #ReboundHeadache all day; pain ranging from a 4-6. Take Fioricet every eight hours. Keeps it pretty much at bay. Pain peaks at a 5. 

Wednesday - Started dexamethasone (steroid) taper to break said migraine. So far so good; pain at a two. No Fioricet today. Did a Facebook Live video. Pretty good day. 

Wednesday Night - Could not sleep; still wired from steroid. Sleeping pill did not work. Head pain increasing up to a five. Broke down and took a Fioricet. 

Thursday - Woke up exhausted with pain at a five. Took second round of steroid. Took son to his senior pictures, ran errands, made two bank runs, stopped at the store.  Had a level 4-5 migraine all day. 

Thursday Night - Took my sleeping pill, put on an eye mask, and ear plugs. This was going to do the trick! NOT. Tossed and turned all night. Couldn't quite get into a deep sleep. 

Friday - Woke up exhausted and pain at at six this morning. I'm feeling bummed and frustrated and so completely over it all. Last day to take the steroid so like a good girl I do. Do I try a Fioricet? I haven't made up my mind on that yet.  

I didn't know how the rest of my day was going to go. I felt bummed, worn out, and mentally over migraine and chronic migraine. I don't want nor like this life. I want to be productive and contributing to my home life.

In that moment all I wanted to do was sleep. It was going on two weeks and I was still going through the motions of migraine. I was feeling #depressed and #anxious with each passing day. That dark gray cloud was most definitely hovering during that time.

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