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05 June 2012

Migraine Awareness Month #5: Do That To Me One More Time

What comfort measure do you find helps you enough during a Migraine that you go back to it again and again, and how do you use it? 

That, surprisingly, isn't the the traditional answer for me. Everything doesn't work with every single Migraine so it has to take a little more to say what it is that I go back to again and again. It isn't always cold compresses or ice packs because on many occasions they actually intensify the pain. A dark, quiet, and cool room is always necessary and the foundation for trying to beat every Migraine attack. For me, it would have to be caffeine. A venti triple soy latte from Starbucks usually dulls the pain down enough for me to actually fall asleep. I'm one of those Nigraineurs who doesn't have caffeine as a trigger so it actually does help me most of the time. It doesn't really affect my sleep very much and I don't drink it too often. I'm more likely to have it when I'm out and trying to keep a bad Migraine from getting worse until I can get home and take my meds. Now, my body is very used to drinking such strong coffee and not going into hyperdrive. I don't recommend getting a triple anything from Starbucks unless you're used to a lot of caffeine. Because my Migraines are so painful I need a really strong and quick caffeine kick in order to get any kind of relief out of it. I know that this isn't an option for a lot of people but if you don't get triggered from coffee maybe a small cup with your next dose of pain medicine might do the trick. Now, that's all this really is for me - a trick. A way to give my body a quicker way to lessen the pain, although temporarily, so that I can fall asleep. That's our ultimate goal anyway…to fall asleep so that we are oblivious to the pain going on in our heads. 

National Migraine Awareness Month is initiated by the National Headache Foundation. The Blogger's Challenge is initiated by www.FightingHeadacheDisorders.com.

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