Learn More About Botox For Chronic Migraine

17 June 2014

#MHAMBC Day 17 - Did Someone Order a New Brain?

Our challenge prompt today is: 

Invent the perfect imaginary treatment for your diagnosis. What would it look like? What would it do? How would it work?

Migraine (Photo credit: Felix Salazar)
I know that this is far-fetched and unrealistic, but I have often had dreams of receiving a brain transplant as the only way to rid myself of these Migraines.  When I have told neurologists, pain management specialists, and therapists about this they all had the same, surprised reaction as to how drastic that is.  Well, when you have tried just about everything that is available to you with no real lasting success, is it really so hard to believe that my subconscious would dream up such a solution?  Not really.  I mean, ever since I was a child I would exclaim that I wish I had a new brain.

For the heck of it, I'll elaborate on what this treatment entails.  In my dream, this is how the procedure always played out.  I don't know where the brain came from, but it was found to be free of Migraine disease.  There's the question of whether you will remain the same person with this new brain or become the person from which the brain came.  Some how, these genius doctors found a way to transfer my thoughts, personality, memories, and dreams into this new brain.  Therefore, I will remain myself without the Migraine.  I'm pretty sure that this type of surgery would be extremely dangerous and would take many hours.  How it would even be possible is unthinkable in my conscious state of mind.  However, the doctors always managed to remove my old brain and successfully implant the new one.  I would wake up from the surgery and voila.... No more Migraines!  This I'm sure will never happen in real life.

In reality, there really isn't any treatment I can dream up because I, as like the rest of the world, don't really know why Migraine exists.  It would be amazing if the cause was identified so that a successfully working treatment could be created to help eradicate them, if not exponentially decrease them in chronic sufferers.  I may not have anything better to offer than my imaginary brain transplant.  What I truly want is for there to be better funding provided by the NIH for Migraine research so that something better can be done for us. Without that, our progress will continue to be slow.  I continue to hope and pray for more to be done in the field of Migraine and Headache Disorders.  It's kind of sad that we have to resort to dreaming up what a treatment should be instead of having them as real possibilities.  When will the world wake up and see the truth?  Who knows, but until then, let's keep spreading the word and keep enlightening and educating those around us so that more is done to give us better care, treatments, and support.

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